The Rapid Housing and Prevention Program (HPRP) is being distributed based on the formula used for the Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG) program. Scholars may provide assistance or rental services to program participants who reside or would like to reside outside of their jurisdiction. They can also fund subgrantes that serve people outside the jurisdiction, subgrantes that are located outside the jurisdiction, and subgrantes serving multiple jurisdictions. A payee may establish more stringent requirements, such as requiring that HPRP funds be spent within the jurisdiction or establishing a residency requirement, but HUD does not establish such requirements. Counties being served: All (Statewide)
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How do I get an application to qualify?
Can I get cash assistance quickly? How long does it take?
Are they still offering rent assistance here?
Can a person collecting unemployment can qualify to get rent assistance at this location?
What type of documentation do I need to apply for assistance?