Rental Assistance The Neighborhood Center assists individuals and families residing in Northampton County with rent payments and security deposits. To qualify, the individual or family must have an eviction notice and be able to demonstrate they will be able to afford the new living arrangement. The Neighborhood Center usually limits the financial assistance to $500 per case no more frequently than once every 24 months, to assist as many families as possible. Families must document the source of the remaining funds necessary to secure the new home. Oftentimes, The Neighborhood Center is able to work with the landlord to allow the family to pay a portion of what is owed over several months. The families must also participate in Fulton Bank's financial literacy class to receive assistance. The Rental Assistance Program has led to staff building relationships with local landlords. Participants often learn about other services available from The Neighborhood Center or other organizations by participating in this program will stay in touch with staff because of their positive experience.
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How do I get an application to qualify?
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